
The "Song of South Holland" is the regional anthem of the Dutch province of South Holland, created in 1950. The lyrics were written by L.C. Winkelman and the music was composed by H.G. Lukkien, who were both civil servants in the province at the time.

The first verse expresses praise for the landscape of South Holland, the second verse mentions facts about The Hague, the capital of the province.


Dutch original[]

Zuid-Holland met je weiden en 't grazende vee,
Je molens, je duinen, je strand en je zee,
Je plassen en meren, aan schoonheid zo rijk,
Je grote rivieren, betoomd door de dijk,
Je akkers met graan, waar de wind overgaat,
Je bloembollenvelden in kleurig gewaad!
Aan jou o, Zuid-Holland, mijn heerlijk land, mijn heerlijk land,
Aan jou o, Zuid-Holland, heb ik mijn hart verpand!

Zuid-Holland, je hoofdstad zo mooi en zo oud,
Je weids 's-Gravenhage, met Plein en Voorhout,
Daar vindt men 't bestuur van Provincie en Land,
Daar wonen ook ambassadeur en gezant.
Daar gingen de graven van Holland op jacht,
Daar zetelt Oranjes doorluchtig geslacht!
Aan jou, o Zuid-Holland, historisch land, historisch land
Aan jou, o Zuid-Holland, heb ik mijn hart verpand!

English translation[]

South Holland with your meadows and the grazing cattle,
Your mills, your dunes, your beach and your sea,
Your puddles and lakes, so rich in beauty,
Your great rivers, steamed by the dike,
Your fields of grain, where the wind passes,
Your flower fields in colorful garb!
To you, O South Holland, my glorious land, my glorious land,
To you, O South Holland, I have pledged my heart!

South Holland, your capital so beautiful and so old,
Your wide The Hague, with Plein and Voorhout,
There you will find the board of Province and Country,
Ambassador and envoy also live there.
There the counts of Holland went hunting,
Orange's illustrious family resides there!
To you, o South Holland, historic land, historic land
To you, O South Holland, I have pledged my heart!
