

The Internationale - Instrumental

"The Internationale" is a left-wing anthem originating in the late 19th century. The original French lyrics were written by socialist revolutionary Eugène Pottier in 1871, then it was set to music by Belgian socialist composer Pierre De Geyter in 1888.[1][2][3]

The Russian lyrics were written by Russian Jewish socialist poet Arkady Yakovlevich Kots in 1902. It was first used by the Soviet Union for the first 22 years before it was replaced by the State Anthem of the Soviet Union.[4]

In 1923, Qu Qiubai (瞿秋白) translated "The Internationale" which then became the anthem of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Soviet Republic from 1931 to 1937.[5]

"The Internationale" was also used by the Bavarian Soviet Republic, Slovak Soviet Republic, and Hungarian Soviet Republic. But translated by the World's Languages, Nowadays, it can be considered the anthem of several left-wing ideologies and movements including anarchism, communism, socialism, democratic socialism, and social democracy.[6][7]

Copyright status[]

Originally, the Internationale was going to be sung to the melody of "La Marseillaise", the current French national anthem.[8] In 1888, Pierre De Geyter set the earlier lyrics to a new melody, composed to match Pottier's lyrics.[9] The new tune was first performed to the public in July 1888.[10]

In 1904, Lille mayor Gustave Delory convinced Pierre's brother Adolphe to claim copyright, so that the income of the song would continue to go to Delory's French Socialist Party. Pierre De Geyter lost the first copyright case about a decade later, but was made the copyright owner by a court of appeal in 1922 after his brother had killed himself.[11] When De Geyter died in 1932 at age 83, the copyrights expired 70 years later (in 2002).[12] Luckhardt's German text has been in the public domain since 1984.

As the music of the Internationale was published before 1 July 1909 outside the United States, it is in the public domain in the country.[13] As of 2013, Pierre De Geyter's music is also in the public domain in countries and areas whose copyright lengths are the authors' lifetime plus 80 years or less.[14] Due to France's wartime copyright extensions (prorogations de guerre), SACEM claimed that the music was still copyrighted in France until October 2014.[15]

As the original author Eugène Pottier died in 1887 at age 71, his original French lyrics are in the public domain. Gustave Delory once acquired the copyright of his lyrics through the songwriter G. B. Clement having bought it from Pottier's widow.


The Internationale has been translated into over 80 languages;[16] however, the most known versions are the French, Russian, and Chinese ones.

French original[]

A manuscript version of the hymn exists, older than the final version printed in 1887. It was then published in 1990 by Robert Brécy, a French historial who advocated for the labour movement.[17]

First known version Final version[4]

Debout ! l'âme du prolétaire
Travailleurs, groupons-nous enfin.
Debout ! les damnés de la terre !
Debout ! les forçats de la faim !
Pour vaincre la misère et l'ombre
Foule esclave, debout ! debout !
C'est nous le droit, c'est nous le nombre :
Nous qui n'étions rien, soyons tout :

Refrain :
C’est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous et demain
Sera le genre humain :

Il n’est pas de sauveurs suprêmes :
Ni Dieu, ni César, ni Tribun.
Travailleurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes ;
Travaillons au salut commun.
Pour que les voleurs rendent gorge,
Pour tirer l’esprit du cachot,
Allumons notre grande forge !
Battons le fer quand il est chaud !


Les Rois nous saoulaient de fumées
Paix entre nous ! guerre aux Tyrans !
Appliquons la grève aux armées
Crosse en l’air ! et rompons les rangs !
Bandit, prince, exploiteur ou prêtre
Qui vit de l'homme est criminel ;
Notre ennemi, c'est notre maître :
Voilà le mot d'ordre éternel.


L'engrenage encor va nous tordre :
Le capital est triomphant ;
La mitrailleuse fait de l'ordre
En hachant la femme et l'enfant.
L'usure folle en ses colères
Sur nos cadavres calcinés
Soude à la grève des Salaires
La grève des assassinés.


Ouvriers, Paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs.
La terre n’appartient qu’aux hommes.
L'oisif ira loger ailleurs.
C'est de nos chairs qu'ils se repaissent !
Si les corbeaux si les vautours
Un de ces matins disparaissent …
La Terre tournera toujours.


Qu'enfin le passé s'engloutisse !
Qu'un genre humain transfiguré
Sous le ciel clair de la Justice
Mûrisse avec l'épi doré !
Ne crains plus les nids de chenilles
Qui gâtaient l'arbre et ses produits
Travail, étends sur nos familles
Tes rameaux tout rouges de fruits !


Debout ! les damnés de la terre !
Debout ! les forçats de la faim !
La raison tonne en son cratère,
C’est l’éruption de la fin.
Du passé faisons table rase,
Foule esclave, debout ! debout !
Le monde va changer de base :
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout !

Refrain :
C’est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous, et demain,
Sera le genre humain.

Il n’est pas de sauveurs suprêmes,
Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun,
Producteurs sauvons-nous nous-mêmes !
Décrétons le salut commun !
Pour que le voleur rende gorge,
Pour tirer l’esprit du cachot,
Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge,
Battons le fer quand il est chaud !


L’État opprime et la loi triche,
L’impôt saigne le malheureux ;
Nul devoir ne s’impose au riche,
Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux.
C’est assez languir en tutelle,
L’égalité veut d’autres lois :
« Pas de droits sans devoirs, dit-elle,
Égaux, pas de devoirs sans droits ! »


Hideux dans leur apothéose,
Les rois de la mine et du rail,
Ont-ils jamais fait autre chose,
Que dévaliser le travail ?
Dans les coffres-forts de la bande,
Ce qu’il a créé s’est fondu.
En décrétant qu’on le lui rende,
Le peuple ne veut que son dû.


Les Rois nous saoûlaient de fumées,
Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans !
Appliquons la grève aux armées,
Crosse en l’air et rompons les rangs !
S’ils s’obstinent, ces cannibales,
À faire de nous des héros,
Ils sauront bientôt que nos balles
Sont pour nos propres généraux.


Ouvriers, Paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs ;
La terre n’appartient qu’aux hommes,
L'oisif ira loger ailleurs.
Combien de nos chairs se repaissent !
Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours,
Un de ces matins disparaissent,
Le soleil brillera toujours !


Russian lyrics[]

This version was used in the early years of the Soviet Union, until Stalin got more patriotic and demanded that there be a replacement for "The Internationale".

Russian[4] Russian Latin alphabet

Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир построим, –
Кто был ничем, тот станет всем.

Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!

Никто не даст нам избавленья:
Ни бог, ни царь и не герой!
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой.
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро, –
Вздувайте горн и куйте смело,
Пока железо горячо!


Довольно кровь сосать, вампиры,
Тюрьмой, налогом, нищетой!
У вас – вся власть, все блага мира,
А наше право – звук пустой !
Мы жизнь построим по-иному –
И вот наш лозунг боевой:
Вся власть народу трудовому!
А дармоедов всех долой!


Презренны вы в своём богатстве,
Угля и стали короли!
Вы ваши троны, тунеядцы,
На наших спинах возвели.
Заводы, фабрики, палаты –
Всё нашим создано трудом.
Пора! Мы требуем возврата
Того, что взято грабежом.


Довольно королям в угоду
Дурманить нас в чаду войны!
Война тиранам! Мир Народу!
Бастуйте, армии сыны!
Когда ж тираны нас заставят
В бою геройски пасть за них –
Убийцы, в вас тогда направим
Мы жерла пушек боевых!


Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда,
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты – никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей, –
Для нас всё так же солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.


Vstavaj, prokljatjem zaklejmjonnyj,
Vesj mir golodnyh i rabov!
Kipit naš razum vozmuščjonnyj
I v smertnyj boj vesti gotov.
Vesj mir nasiljja my razrušim
Do osnovanjja, a zatem
My naš, my novyj mir postroim, –
Kto byl ničem, tot stanet vsem.

Eto jestj naš poslednij
I rešiteljnyj boj;
S Internacionalom
vosprjanet rod ljudskoj!

Nikto ne dast nam izbavlenjja:
Ni bog, ni carj i ne geroj!
Dobjjomsja my osvoboždenjja
Svojeju sobstvennoj rukoj.
Čtob svergnutj gnjot rukoj umeloj,
Otvojevatj svojo dobro, –
Vzduvajte gorn i kujte smelo,
Poka železo gorjačo!


Dovoljno krovj sosatj, vampiry,
Tjurjmoj, nalogom, niščetoj!
U vas – vsja vlastj, vse blaga mira,
A naše pravo — zvuk pustoj!
My žiznj postroim po-inomu –
I vot naš lozung bojevoj:
Vsja vlastj narodu trudovomu!
A darmojedov vseh doloj!


Prezrenny vy v svojom bogatstve,
Uglja i stali koroli!
Vy vaši trony, tunejadcy,
Na naših spinah vozveli.
Zavody, fabriki, palaty –
Vsjo našim sozdano trudom.
Pora! My trebujem vozvrata
Tovo, čto vzjato grabežom.


Dovoljno koroljam v ugodu
Durmanitj nas v čadu vojny!
Vojna tiranam! Mir Narodu!
Bastujte, armii syny!
Kogda ž tirany nas zastavjat
V boju gerojski pastj za nih –
Ubijcy, v vas togda napravim
my žerla pušek bojevyh!


Lišj my, rabotniki vsemirnoj
Velikoj armii truda,
Vladetj zemljoj imejem pravo,
No parazity – nikogda!
I jesli grom velikij grjanet
Nad svoroj psov i palačej, –
Dlja nas vsjo tak že solnce stanet
sijatj ognjom svoih lučej.


Chinese version[]

There are at least a few versions of the Internationale in Chinese. The most common version is the one translated by Xiao San, a Chinese multilingual poet and translator who was a friend of Mao Zedong. His version, translated from Russian, are a revision of Qu's not-as-popular original. Xiao San's lyrics becaume so popular it became the anthem of the Chinese Communist Party, which was ultimately revised in 1962 by China National Radio and Chinese Musicians' Association.[18][19][20][21]

Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Hanyu Pinyin Palladius Cyrillic













Qǐlái, jīhánjiāopò de núlì,
Qǐlái, quánshìjiè shòukǔ de rén!
Mǎnqiāng de rèxuè yǐjīng fèiténg,
Yào wèi zhēnlǐ ér dòuzhēng!
Jiù shìjiè dǎ gè luòhuāliúshuǐ,
Núlìmen, qǐlái!, qǐlái!
Bú yào shuō wǒmen yìwúsuǒyǒu,
Wǒmen yào zuò tiānxià de zhǔrén.

Fù gē:
Zhè shì zuìhòu de dòuzhēng,
Tuánjié qǐlái, dào míngtiān,
Jiù yídìng yào shíxiàn.

Cónglái jiù méiyǒu shénme jiùshìzhǔ,
Yě bú kào shénxiān huángdì.
Yào chuàngzào rénlèi de xìngfú,
Quán kào wǒmen zìjǐ.
Wǒmen yào duóhuí láodòng guǒshí,
Ràng sīxiǎng chōngpò láolóng.
Kuài bǎ nà lúhuǒ shāo de tōnghóng,
Chènrèdǎtiě cái néng chénggōng.

Fù gē

Shì shuí chuàngzào liǎo rénlèi shìjiè?
Shì wǒmen láodòng qúnzhòng.
Yíqiè guī láodòngzhě suǒyǒu,
Nǎnéng róngde jìshēngchóng!
Zuì kěhèn nàxiē dúshéměngshòu,
Chījìn liǎo wǒmen de xuèròu.
Yídàn bǎ tāmen xiāomiè gānjìng,
Xiānhóng de tàiyáng zhào biàn quánqiú.

Fù gē

Цилай, цзиханьцзяопо дэ нули,
Цилай, цюаньшыцзе шоуку дэ жэнь!
Маньцян дэ жэсюэ ицзин фэйтэн,
Яо уй чжэньли эр доучжэн!
Цзю шыцзе да гэ луохуалюшуй,
Нулимэнь, цилай!, цилай!
Бу яо шуо уомэнь иъусуою,
Уомэнь яо цзуо тянься дэ чжужэнь.

Фу гэ:
Чжэ шы цзуйхоу дэ доучжэн,
Туаньцзе цилай, дао минтянь,
Цзю идин яо шысянь.

Цунлай цзю мэйю шэньмэ цзюшычжу,
Е бу као шэньсянь хуанди.
Яо чуанцзао жэньлэй дэ синфу,
Цюань као уомэнь цзыцзи.
Уомэнь яо дуохуй лаодун гуошы,
Жан сысян чунпо лаолун.
Куай ба на лухуо шао дэ тунхун,
Чэньжэдате цай нэн чэнгун.

Фу гэ

Шы шуй чуанцзао ляо жэньлэй шыцзе?
Шы уомэнь лаодун цюньчжун.
Ице гуй лаодунчжэ суою,
Нанэнь жундэ цзишэнчун!
Цзуй кэхэнь насе душэмэншоу,
Чыцзинь ляо уомэнь дэ сюэжоу.
Идань ба тамэнь сяоме ганьцзин,
Сяньхун дэ тайян чжао бянь цюаньцю.

Фу гэ

Dungan version[]

Dungan, known endonymically as Hui, is a Mandarin dialect spoken in the former Soviet Union—especially in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. A Dungan version of "The Internationale" was created amidst stricter policy reforms within the USSR. The Dungan version translated by prominent Dungan Hui poets is a direct vis-à-vis translation of the Mandarin version used by the Chinese Soviet Republic.

Челэ, җихан җёподи нули,
Челэ, чүан шыҗе шукўди жын!
Манчёнди жәще йиҗи фыйтын,
Ё ви җынлир дузын!
Җю шыҗе дагә луәхуа люфи,
Нулимын, челэ!, челэ!
Бу ё фә вәму йиву суәю,
Вәмуё зў тянщяди җўжын!

Зусы зуйхуди дузын,
Туанҗе челэ, до минтян,
Интернационал эр
Җю йидин-ё шыщян.

Цунлэ җю мыйю сынмә җюсы җў,
Е бу ко шынщян хуонди.
Ё чуонзо жынлыйди щинфу,
Чүан ко вәму зыҗи.
Вәму ё дуәхуэй лодун гуәсы,
Жон сыщён чунпә лолун.
Куэ ба на лўхуә шоди тунхун,
Чынжә дате цэнын чынгун.


Сы сый чуонзо лё жынлый шыҗе?
Сы вәму лодун чунҗун.
Йиче гуй лодунҗә суәю,
Нанын жунди җишынчун!
Зуй кәхын наще душә мыншу,
Чыҗин лё вәмуди щежу.
Йидан ба таму щёме ганҗин,
Щянхунди тэён җобян чүанчю.


English version[]

There are many versions of the English Internationale, but the American and British versions are the most known. The British version was translated by the original author Eugene Pottier, and the American version was written by Charles Hope Kerr.[16][22]

British English version
(by Eugène Pottier)
American English version
(by Charles Hope Kerr)
Australian English version[16]

Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale
Unites the human race.

No more deluded by reaction,
On tyrants only we'll make war!
The soldiers too will take strike action,
They'll break ranks and fight no more!
And if those cannibals keep trying,
To sacrifice us to their pride,
They soon shall hear the bullets flying,
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.


No saviour from on high delivers,
No faith have we in prince or peer.
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.
E'er the thieves will out with their booty,
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do their duty,
And we'll strike the iron while it's hot.


Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
Arise, ye wretched of the earth!
For justice thunders condemnation:
A better world's in birth!
No more tradition's chains shall bind us;
Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall!
The earth shall rise on new foundations:
We have been nought, we shall be all!

Tis the final conflict;
Let each stand in his place.
The International working class
Shall be the human race!

We want no condescending saviors
To rule us from a judgment hall;
We workers ask not for their favors;
Let us consult for all.
To make the thief disgorge his booty
To free the spirit from its cell,
We must ourselves decide our duty,
We must decide, and do it well.


Toilers from shops and fields united,
The union we of all who work:
The earth belongs to us, the workers,
No room here for the shirk.
How many on our flesh have fattened!
But if the noisome birds of prey
Shall vanish from the sky some morning,
The blessed sunlight still will stay.


Stand up, ya victims of pomm bullshit,
The time for top blokes has arrived,
Quit wanking off on shitty wi fi,
It's time for workers all to thrive.
Let emu warlords know terror,
And let's go on walk about,
Drink Fosters, and form workers co-ops,
And let Bruce give us all a shout.

So get fired up the lads,
And do not dog the boys,
The Internationale
Will ring with sick cunt noise!
So down a couple pingas,
And get maggered off your face,
The Internationale
Unites the human race!

Esperanto version[]

The original version was translated by Johanson Zilberfarb and another Esperanto version was written by Kálmán Kalocsay.

Johanson Zilberfarb version[23] Kálmán Kalocsay version[24]

Leviĝu, en mizer' dronanta
Sklavar' malsata de la ter'!
Raci' nin vokas indignanta
Al mortbatalo pro l'liber'.
Malnovan mondon ni detruos
Ĝis fundament' de l'tirani'
Kaj nian novan ni konstruos:
Ni nuloj- ĉio estu ni!

𝄆 Por finlukto socia
Ni grupiĝu en rond',
Kaj la Internacio
Triumfu en tutmond'! 𝄇

Ne la cezar', nek dia volo
La savon portos de l'tiran',-
Liberon donos al popolo
Nur ĝia propra forta man'.
Por ke pereu la rabuloj,
Por liberiĝu la spirit',
Varmegan feron la forĝuloj,
Ni forĝu mem sen intermit'.


Premegas ŝtato laboriston,
Imposto kaj konstituci';
Favoras nur ekspluatiston,
Favoras nur al tirani',
Sufiĉe da suferricevo,
Laŭ egaleca la leĝar'.
Neniu estas rajt' sen devo,
Nek iu devo sen rajtar'.


Apoteoze abomenaj
La reĝoj de minar' kaj rel'
Ja estis ĉiam tro senĝenaj
En sia parazita ŝtel'.
En kas' konservis la friponoj
Produktojn niajn de l'labor',
Do per devigo al redonoj
Niaĵon nur ni prenos for.


Estrar' nin trompis artifike-
Por ni do- pac'! Por ĝi- milit'!
Rompinte, la armeojn strikte
Ni lasu l'vicojn sen hezit'.
Insistis niaj kanibaloj,
Ke kuraĝuloj estu ni,-
Do kontraŭ propraj generaloj
Ekpafos baldaŭ la gvardi'.


Nur ni, laborarmeaj eroj,
De l'urboj kaj de la kampar',
Posedas rajton pri la tero!
Vi iru for, parazitar'!
Kaj se por via bando puno
Alvenos en la flamribel',
Por ni ekbrilos hela suno
Radiante en ĉiel'.

Leviĝu, proletar’ de l’ tero,
leviĝu, sklavoj de malsat’!
La Vero tondras en kratero,
sekvos finofara bat’.
La paseon plene ni forviŝos,
amasoj, marŝu, kresku ni!
La mond’ en fundament’ ŝanĝiĝos,
ne nul’, sed ĉio estu ni!

𝄆 Por batal’, por la lasta
unuiĝu nia front’,
internacia estos
la tuta homa mond’! 𝄇

Ne estas super ni defendo,
nek reĝ’, nek Dio, nek patron’.
Kreantoj, ni nin savu mem do,
luktu por komuna bon’!
La rabaĵon preni de l’ rabisto,
spiriton savi de l’ karcer’,
ni blovu fajron kun persisto,
kaj batu ni, dum ardas fer’!


Ni, laboristoj, ni, kampuloj,
partio granda de l’ labor’!
Al ni la ter’ laŭ justreguloj,
parazit’ sin portu for!
Ja grasigos multajn nia karno,
sed malaperos ĉe l’ aŭror’
la korva kaj vultura svarmo,
eterne brilos suna glor’!


German version[]

Multiple versions of the German Internationale exist, but the more notable one is the one translated by Emil Luckhardt in 1910.[16]

Emil Luckhardt (1910)[16] German Cyrillic

Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde,
die stets man noch zum Hungern zwingt!
Das Recht wie Glut im Kraterherde
nun mit Macht zum Durchbruch dringt.
Reinen Tisch macht mit dem Bedränger!
Heer der Sklaven, wache auf!
Ein nichts zu sein, tragt es nicht länger
Alles zu werden, strömt zuhauf!

Völker, hört die Signale,
Auf, zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht!

Es rettet uns kein höh'res Wesen
kein Gott, kein Kaiser, noch Tribun
Uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen
können wir nur selber tun!
Leeres Wort: des armen Rechte,
Leeres Wort: des Reichen Pflicht!
Unmundigt nennt man uns Knechte,
duldet die Schmach länger nicht!


Gewölbe, stak und fest bewehret
die bergen, was man dir entzog.
Dort lieft das Gut, das dir gehöret
und um das man dich betrog.
Ausgebeutet bist du worden!
ausgesogen bis aufs Mark!
Auf Erden rings, in Süd und Norden,
das Recht is schwach, die Willkür stark!


In Stadt und Land, ihr Arbeitsleute,
wir sind die stärkste Partei'n
Die Müßiggänger schiebt beiseite!
Diese Welt muß unser sein!
Unser Blut sei nicht mehr der Raben
und der mächtigen Geier Fraß!
Erst wenn wir sie vertrieben haben
dann scheint die Sonn' ohn' Unterlaß!


Вахт ауф, фердаммте дизер Эрде,
ди штетс ман нох цум хунгерн цвингт!
Дас рехт ви глут им кратерхерде
нун мит махт цум дурхбрух дрингт.
Райнен тиш махт мит дем бедренгер!
Хер дер Шклавен, вахе ауф!
Айн нихтс цу зайн, трагт эс нихт ленгер
Аллес цу верден, штрёмт цугауф!

Фёлькер, хёрт ди зигнале,
Ауф, цум лецтен гефехт!
Ди Интернационале
Эркемпфт дас меншенрехт!

Эс реттет унс кайн хё’рес везен
кайн готт, кайн кайзер, нох трибун
Унс аус дем эленд цу эрлёзен
кённен вир нур зельбер тун!
Лерес ворт: дес армен рехте,
Лерес ворт: дес райхен пфлихт!
Унмундигт неннт ман унз кнехте,
дульдет ди шмах ленгер нихт!


Гевёльбе, штак унд фест беверет
ди берген, вас ман дир энцог.
Дорт лифт дас гут, дас дир гехёрет
унд ум дас ман дих бетрог.
Аусгебойтет бист ду ворден!
аусгезоген бис ауфс марк!
Ауф эрден рингс, ин сюд унд норден,
даз рехт из швах, ди вилькюр штарк!


Ин штадт унд ланд, ир арбайтслойте,
вир зинд ди штерксте партай’н
Ди мюсиггенгер шибт байзайте!
Дизе вельт мус унзер зайн!
Унзер блут зай нихт мер дер рабен
унд дер мехтиген гайер фрас!
Эрст венн вир зи фертрибен хабен
данн шайнт ди зонн’ он’ унтерлас!


Spanish version[]

Spanish lyrics[16] Chilean version[16] Cuban version[16]

¡Arriba, parias de la Tierra.
En pie, famélica legión!
Atruena la razón en marcha,
Es el fin de la opresión.
Del pasado hay que hacer añicos,
legión esclava en pie a vencer,
el mundo va a cambiar de base,
los nada de hoy todo han de ser.

¡Agrupémonos todos,
en la lucha final!
El género humano
es la Internacional.

Ni en dioses, reyes ni tribunos,
está el supremo salvador.
Nosotros mismos realicemos
el esfuerzo redentor.
Para hacer que el tirano caiga
y el mundo siervo liberar,
soplemos la potente fragua
que el hombre libre ha de forjar.


La ley nos burla y el Estado
oprime y sangra al productor.
Nos da derechos irrisorios,
no hay deberes del señor.
Basta ya de tutela odiosa,
que la igualdad ley ha de ser,
no más deberes sin derechos,
ningún derecho sin deber.


Arriba, los pobres del mundo,
En pie, los esclavos sin pan,
Alcémonos todos al grito,
[Y gritemos todos unidos]
¡Viva la Internacional!
Removamos todas las trabas
que oprimen al proletario,
[que nos impiden nuestro bien,]
cambiemos el mundo de base
hundiendo al imperio burgués.

Agrupémonos todos
En la lucha final,
Y se alzan los pueblos
¡Por la Internacional!

El día que el triunfo alcancemos
Ni esclavos ni dueños habrá,
Los odios que al mundo envenenan
Al punto se extinguirán.
El hombre del hombre es hermano,
Derechos iguales tendrán,
La tierra será paraíso
Patria de la Humanidad.
[de toda la Humanidad.]

[Que la tierra de todos sus frutos
dicha y paz a nuestro hogar,
que el trabajo sea el sostén que a todos
de su abundancia hará gozar.]


Arriba los pobres del mundo,
De pie los esclavos sin pan.
Y gritemos todos unidos:
!Viva la Internacional!
Removamos todas las trabas
Que oprimen al proletario.
Cambiemos al mundo de fase
Hundiendo al imperio burgués.

¡Agrupémonos todos,
En la lucha final!
Y se alcen los pueblos
¡Por la Internacional!

El día que el triunfo alcancemos
Ni esclavos, ni hambrientos habrá.
La tierra será el paraíso
De toda la humanidad.
Que la tierra de todos sus frutos
Y la dicha en nuestro hogar,
El trabajo es el sostén de todos
Que la abundancia hará gozar.


Anarchist version[]

Arriba los pobres del mundo
En pie los esclavos sin pan.
Alcémonos todos, que llega.
La Revolución Social.
La Anarquía ha de emanciparnos
de toda la explotación
El comunismo libertario
será nuestra redención

Agrupémonos todos
a la lucha social
Con la FAI lograremos
el éxito final

Color de sangre tiene el fuego
color negro tiene el volcán
Colores negro y rojo tiene
nuestra bandera triunfal
Los hombres han de ser hermanos
cese la desigualdad
La Tierra será paraíso
libre de la Humanidad.


Public receptions[]

Toscanini and Hymn of the Nations[]

The change of the USSR's national anthem from "The Internationale" to the "State Anthem of the USSR" was a factor in the production of the 1944 movie Hymn of the Nations, which made use of an orchestration of "The Internationale" that Arturo Toscanini had already done the year before for a 1943 NBC radio broadcast commemorating the 26th anniversary of the October Revolution.

It was incorporated into Verdi's "Inno delle nazioni" alongside the national anthems of the United Kingdom (already in the original) and the United States (incorporated by Toscanini for a prior radio broadcast of that anthem in January of that year) to signify the side of the Allies during World War II.

Toscanini's son Walter remarked that an Italian audience for the movie would see the significance of Arturo being willing to play these anthems and unwilling to play "Giovinezza" and the "Marcia Reale" because of his anti-Fascist political views. Alexandr Hackenschmied, the film's director, expressed his view that the song was "ormai archeologico", but this was a countered in a letter by Walter Toscanini to Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, rejecting the objections of Borgese, Hackenschmied, and the Office of War Information.

At the time, Walter stated that he believed that "The Internationale" had widespread relevance across Europe, and in 1966 he recounted in correspondence that the OWI had "panicked" when it had learned of the Soviet Union's plans, but Arturo had issued an ultimatum that if "The Internationale", "L'inno di tutte le glebe ed i lavoratori di tutto il mondo" was not included, that if the already done orchestration and performance were not used as-is, then they should forget about distributing the film entirely.

The inclusion of "The Internationale" in the Toscanini's minds was not simply for the sake of a Soviet Union audience, but because of its relevance to all countries of the world.

Although Walter did not consider "The Internationale" to be "good music", he considered it to be (as he stated to the OWI) "more than the hymn of a nation or a party" and "an idea of brotherhood".

It would have been expensive to re-record a new performance of the Inno without "The Internationale", and it remained in the movie as originally released.

Some time during the McCarthy Era, however, it was edited out of re-released copies, and remained so until a 1988 Library of Congress release on video, which restored "The Internationale" to the movie.

Winston Churchill and National Anthems of the Allies[]

A similar situation had occurred earlier in the War with the BBC's popular weekly Sunday evening radio broadcast, preceding the Nine O'Clock News, titled National Anthems of the Allies, whose playlist was all of the national anthems of the countries allied with the United Kingdom, the list growing with each country that Nazi Germany invaded.

After the Germans began their invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, it was fully expected that "The Internationale", as the anthem of the Soviet Union, would be included in the playlist that day; but to people's surprise it was not, neither that week nor the week after. Winston Churchill, who despised communism, had immediately sent word to the BBC via Anthony Eden that "The PM has issued an instruction to the Ministry of Information that the Internationale is on no account to be played by the B.B.C.".

Newspapers such as the Daily Express and the Daily Mail were sharply critical of the Foreign Office, and questions were asked in the House of Commons]].

Ambassador Ivan Maisky recorded in his diary a conversation with Duff Cooper on 11 July 1941 where Cooper asked him if the music played after Vyacheslav Molotov's speech on 22 June 1941 would be acceptable to the Soviet Union, and he replied that it would not be.

On the evening of 13 July 1941, the BBC instead played, in Maisky's words, "a very beautiful but little-known Soviet song", which he described as demonstrating "the British Government's cowardice and foolishness".

Rather than risk offending the Soviet Union by continuing to pointedly refuse to play its national anthem in a radio programme entitled National Anthems, the BBC discontinued the programme.

Six months later on 22 January 1942, Churchill relented and lifted the prohibition.

This relaxation enabled "The Internationale" to be used in wartime broadcasts and films, and at public occasions, thereafter.

The BBC's 1943 Salute to the Red Army had a mass performance of "The Internationale" at the Royal Albert Hall by the choir of the Royal Choral Society, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and military bands, in front of the Soviet flag and following a speech by Anthony Eden.

The day before, which was Red Army Day, troops and the audience had sung "The Internationale" to the Lord Mayor of Bristol.

The 1944 film Tawny Pipit depicted schoolchildren in the fictional village of Lipton Lea welcoming the character Olga Boclova to their town by singing "The Internationale".

Soviet cinema and theatre[]

Dmitry Shostakovich used "The Internationale" twice for the movie soundtrack to the 1936 Soviet film Girl Friends, once performed by a military-style band when a group of women are preparing for war, and a second time as a solo performance on a theremin.

Nikolai Evreinov's 1920 film The Storming of the Winter Palace used both "The Internationale" and "La Marseillaise" symbolically in opposition to each other, with the former sung by the "Red platform" proletariat side and the latter sung by the "White platform" government side, the former starting weakly and in disarray but gradually becoming organised and drowning out the latter.

See more[]


  1. Ленин В. И.. Евгений Потье. Полное собрание сочинений, т. 22.
  2. Louise Michel: Rebel Lives Maclellan, Nic. Ocean Press. pp. 7, 89.
  3. 'The Internationale' Gluckstein, Donny.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Фундаментальная Электронная Библиотека A. V. Lunacharskiy (ed.). "The International (in Russian)".
  5. Qu Qiubai - The First Chinese to Translate "The Internationale"
  6. World Book Encyclopedia, 2018 ed., s.v. "The Internationale".
  7. The International Anarchist Congress, Amsterdam, 1907
  8. Billy Bragg's Revival of Aging Anthems: Radical Nostalgia or Activist Inspiration? Walls, David. Sonoma State University.
  9. Gill 1998, 9th paragraph.
  10. Gill 1998, 11th paragraph.
  11. Gill 1998.
  12. "Ich habe die Kommunisten bezahlen lassen", Die Welt. Beierlein, Hans R. 2014-04-18.
  13. Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States Hirtle, Peter B.
  14. Pierre De Geyter's death date is 1932, plus 80 years, would be 2012.
  15. Siffloter 'L'Internationale' peut coûter cher Vulser, Nicole. Le Monde. 8 avril 2005.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 "The Internationale" in 82 languages
  17. Robert Brécy, Florilège de la Chanson Révolutionnaire, De 1789 au Front Populaire, Éditions Ouvrières, Paris, 1990, page 137.
  18. 重读《国际歌》感言 Yanhuang Chunqiu.
  19. 《国际歌》中文译词的演变 – 中国共产党新闻 – 中国共产党新闻网
  20. 国际歌"中文译配版权属瞿秋白 在中国最早公开唱"
  21. 國際歌(廣東話版)
  22. Billy Bragg's Revival of Aging Anthems: Radical Nostalgia or Activist Inspiration? Walls, David. Walls. Sonoma State University.
  23. Pottier & Degeyter : La Internacio (himno de la laboristaro tutmonde) SAT Kulturo.
  24. [ National Anthem of Leskya (lyrics)