
"Glorious Future" («Прекрасное далёко») is a Russian patriotic song written by George Entin, and set to music by Eugene Crylatoff. It was used for the children's science fiction series Guest from the Future («Гостья из будущего») in 1985.


In March 1985, during spring break in schools, the Soviet Central Television began showing the children's TV miniseries The Guest from the Future. At the end of the film, this song was played. The song in the film was performed by Tatiana Daskovskaya; however, the composer Eugene Crylatoff was not impressed with her performance, so he invited the Soviet Russian trio Meridian («Меридиан») to record their version. After a month of rehearsals in Ivanovo, the trio arrived in Moscow and showed the completed version to Crylatoff. He was pleased, but he personally attended the recording and made the author's edits.

In September 1985, the song was featured in the monthly issue of Pesni-85. After the first broadcast, the Central Television was flooded with letters containing the content “Trio Meridian – winners of Pesni-85” («Трио „Меридиан“ – победители „Песни-85“»). They listened to viewers' opinions, and this song, together with the performers, became laureates of the Pesni-85 festival.

The original lyrics of the song, which was used in the television series, contained the lines, "He [the voice] is not calling me to paradise" («Он [голос] зовёт меня не в райские края»).[1] In a later version, performed by the Big Children's Choir, the line was modified to "He calls me to wonderful lands" («Он зовёт меня в чудесные края»).[2]


Russian original[]

Cyrillic script Latin script

Слышу голос из прекрасного далёка,
Голос утренний в серебряной росе,
Слышу голос, и манящая дорога
Кружит голову, как в детстве карусель.

Прекрасное далёко, не будь ко мне жестоко,
Не будь ко мне жестоко, жестоко не будь.
От чистого истока в прекрасное далёко,
В прекрасное далёко я начинаю путь.
Слышу голос из прекрасного далёка,
Он зовёт меня не в райские края.
Слышу голос, голос спрашивает строго —
А сегодня, что для завтра сделал я.


Я клянусь, что стану чище и добрее,
И в беде не брошу друга никогда.
Слышу голос, и спешу на зов скорее
По дороге, на которой нет следа.


Slyšu golos iz prekrasnogo daljoka,
Golos utrennij v serebrjanoj rose,
Slyšu golos, i manjaščaja doroga
Kružit golovu, kak v detstve kareselj.

Prekrasnoje daljoko, ne budj ko mne žestoko,
Ne budj ko mne žestoko, žestoko ne budj.
Ot čistogo istoka v prekrasnoje daljoko,
V prekrasnoje daljoko ja načinaju putj.

Slyšu golos iz prekrasnogo daljoka,
On zovjot menja ne v rajskije kraja.
Slyšu golos, golos sprašivajet strogo —
A segodnja, čto dlja zavtra sdelal ja.


Ja kljanusj, čto stanu čišče i dobreje,
I v bede ne boršu druga nikogda.
Slyšu golos, i spešu na zov skoreje
Po doroge, na kotoroj net sleda.


English translation[]

Voice appeared from the nice and joyful feature
In the morning like the silver drops on dew
It invited me to come and I felt dizzy
Like on merry-go-round which I knew

The nice and joyful feature, I plead you to have mercy,
I plead you to have mercy, from all my heart I plead
Right now from beginning to nice and joyful feature
To nice and joyful feature I go straight ahead

Voice appeared from the nice and joyful feature
It invited me to none of paradise
Voice appeared and presented me a question
For tomorrow what have I done today?


Take my word, I will be clear and kind-hearted
And I swear not to leave a friend in need
Voice is calling and I run in its direction
Many footprints are behind, and none ahead



  1. «Прекрасное далёко»: написать этот хит поэту помог Набоков. Вспоминаем историю песни
  2. Прекрасное Далёко (1990). Большой детский хор ЦТ и ВР. Советское телевидение. Гостелерадиофонд.