
"La Marseillaise" (say: "mar-say-YEZ") is the national anthem of France, created in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle after the declaration of war against Austria. It was adopted three years later as the anthem of the French First Republic by the French National Convention.


National Anthem of France - "La Marseillaise"



Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle singing "La Marseillaise" for the first time.

As the French Revolution roared on, monarchies from neighboring countries grew worried that the uprising would spread into their territories. To stop the French Revolution from spreading, the War of the First Coalition began, in which Coalition armies invaded France. On 25 April 1792, Strasbourg mayor Baron Philippe-Frédéric de Dietrich asked his freemason guest Rouget de Lisle to compose a song "that will rally our soldiers from all over to defend their homeland that is under threat".[1][2] That evening, Rouget de Lisle wrote "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin"[3] which he dedicated to Baravian Marshal Nicolas Luckner.[4][5] De Dietrich was executed, however, the next year during the Reign of Terror.[6]

The melody of the song became the rallying call to the French Revolution and was adopted under the new title "La Marseillaise" after it was first sung on the streets by volunteers from Marseille at the end of May. They were entering Paris on 30 July 1792, and troops adopted it as the marching song of the National Guard of Marseille.[3][7]

"La Marseillaise" is France's first ever anthem and was accepted as the French national anthem by The Convention in a decree passed on 14 July 1795.[8] It later lost its status under Napoleon I, and the song was banned by Louis XVIII and Charles X. It was re-adopted right after the July Revolution of 1830.[9] During Napoleon I's reign, "Veillons au salut de l'Empire" was the unofficial anthem of his regime, and in Napoleon III's reign, it was "Partant pour la Syrie", but the Government brought back "La Marseillaise" to try to invigorate the French during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. A year later, after that war ended, "La Marseillaise" was adopted by the Paris Commune, albeit with new lyrics under the title "La marseillaise de la Commune". Eight years later, in 1879, it was restored as France's national anthem, and has remained so ever since.[9]


The lyrics reflect the invasion of France by the incoming Prussian and Austrian armies while it was written. Strasbourg was attacked a few days later. The invading forces were repulsed from France following their defeat in the Battle of Valmy. As the majority of Alsatians did not speak French, a German version titled "Auf, Brüder, auf dem Tag entgegen" was published in October 1792 in Colmar.[10]

Only the first stanza (and sometimes the fourth and sixth) and the first chorus are sung today in France. There are some slight historical variations in the lyrics of the song; the following is the version listed at the official website of the French presidency.[11]

French official[]

Latin script Arabic script IPA transcription

Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie
𝄆 L'étendard sanglant est levé, 𝄇
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats ?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes !

Refrain :
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchez, marchez !
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !

Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons !
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !

Que veut cette horde d'esclaves,
De traîtres, de rois conjurés ?
Pour qui ces ignobles entraves,
𝄆 Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ? 𝄇
Français, pour nous, ah ! quel outrage
Quels transports il doit exciter !
C'est nous qu'on ose méditer
De rendre à l'antique esclavage !


Quoi ! des cohortes étrangères
Feraient la loi dans nos foyers !
Quoi ! Ces phalanges mercenaires
𝄆 Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers ! 𝄇
Grand Dieu ! Par des mains enchaînées
Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient
De vils despotes deviendraient
Les maîtres de nos destinées !


Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides
L'opprobre de tous les partis,
Tremblez ! vos projets parricides
𝄆 Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix ! 𝄇
Tout est soldat pour vous combattre,
S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros,
La terre en produit de nouveaux,
Contre vous tout prêts à se battre !


Français, en guerriers magnanimes,
Portez ou retenez vos coups !
Épargnez ces tristes victimes,
𝄆 À regret s'armant contre nous. 𝄇
Mais ces despotes sanguinaires,
Mais ces complices de Bouillé,
Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié,
Déchirent le sein de leur mère !


Amour sacré de la Patrie,
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs
Liberté, Liberté chérie,
𝄆 Combats avec tes défenseurs ! 𝄇
Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire
Accour à tes mâles accents,
Que tes ennemis expirants
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire !


،ألونز أنفان دلاپاترى
!لجور دغلوار إت أريوه
كونتر-نو دلاتيرانى
𝄆 ،لانتاندار سانغلان إلوه 𝄇
أنتانده-وو دان لكامپاني
موجير س فيروس سولدا؟
إيل وين جوسك دان وو برا
!إغورجه وو فيل، وو كومپاني

،أوز أرم، سيتواين
،فورمه وو باتايون
!مارشه، مارشه
كون سانگ إمپور
!أبروو نو سييون

،أوز أرم، سيتواين
،فورمه وو باتايون
!مارشون، مارشون
كون سانگ إمپور
!أبروو نو سييون

،ك وو ست عورد دإسكلاو
دترتر، دروا كونجوره؟
،پور كى سزإنيوبلز أنتراو
𝄆 س فر دلونغتام پريپاره؟ 𝄇
فرانسه، پور نو، أع! كل اوتراج
!كل ترانسپورز إيل دوات إكسيته
س نو كون أوز ميديته
!دراندر ألأتيك إسكلاواج


كوا! دكوعورتز إترانجر
!فره لالوا دان نو فوايه
كوا! س فالاج مرسنر
𝄆 !تراسره نو فير غرير 𝄇
غران ديو! پار دمز أنشنه
نو فرون سو لجو س پلواره
دويل دسپوت دوياندره
!لمتر دنو دستينه


ترامبل، تيرانز إوو پرفيد
،لأوپروبر دتو لپارتى
ترامبل! وو پروجه پاريسيد
𝄆 !وونت أنفان رسووار لورپرى 𝄇
،توت إسولدا پور وو كومباتر
،سإيل تومب، نو جونز عيرو
،لاتر أن پرودوى دنووو
!كونتر وو تو پرز أس باتر


،فرانسه، أن غريه مانيانيم
!پورتز او رتن وو كو
،إپارني س تريست ويكتيم
𝄆 !أرغره سأرمان كونتر نو 𝄇
،مه س دسپوت سانغينر
،مه س كومپليس دبوئيه
،تو س تيغر كى، سان پيتيه
!دشير لسن دلور مر


،أمور ساكره دلاپاترى
كوندوى، سوتين نو برا وانجور
،ليبرته، ليبرته شرى
𝄆 !كومباز أوك ت دفانسور 𝄇
سو نو دراپو ك لاويكتوار
،أكور أت مالز أكسان
ك تز أنميز إكسپيران
!ووا تون تريومف إنوتر غلوار


[a.lõ.z‿ɑ̃.fɑ̃ də la pa.tʁi.ə]
[lə ʒuʁ də glwaʁ ɛ.t‿a.ʁ]
[kõ.tʁə nu də la ti.ʁə]
𝄆 [le.tɑ̃.daʁ sɑ̃.glɑ̃.t‿ɛ lə.ve] 𝄇
[ɑ̃.tɑ̃.de vu dɑ̃ le kɑ̃.pa.ɲə]
[my.ʒiʁ se fe.ʁɔ.sə sɔl.da]
[il vjɛ.nə ʒys.kə dɑ̃ vo bʁa]
[e.gɔʁ.ʒe vo fil vo kõ.pa.ɲə]

[o.z‿aʁ.mə si.twa.jɛ̃]
[fɔʁ.me vo ba.ta.jõ]
[maʁ.ʃe maʁ.ʃe]
[kœ̃ sɑ̃.g‿ɛ̃.pyʁ]
[a.bʁœ.və no si.jõ]

[o.z‿aʁ.mə si.twa.jɛ̃]
[fɔʁ.me vo ba.ta.jõ]
[maʁ.ʃõ maʁ.ʃõ]
[kœ̃ sɑ̃.g‿ɛ̃.pyʁ]
[a.bʁœ.və no si.jõ]

[kə vø sɛ.tə ɔʁ.də dɛs.kla.və]
[də tʁɛ.tʁə də ʁwa kõ.ʒy.ʁe]
[puʁ ki se.z‿i.ɲɔ.blə.z‿ɑ̃.tʁa.və]
𝄆 [se fεʁ de lõg.tɑ̃ pʁʁe] 𝄇
[fʁɑ̃.sɛ puʁ nu a kɛl u.tʁa.ʒə]
[kɛl tʁɑ̃s.pɔʁ.z‿il dwa.t‿ɛ]
[sɛ nu kõ.n‿o.zə me.di.te]
[də ʁɑ̃.dʁ‿a lɑ̃.tik ɛʒə]


[kwa de ko.ɔʁ.tə.z‿e.tʁɑ̃.ʒɛ.ʁə]
[fə.ʁe la lwa dɑ̃ no]
[kwa se fa.lɑ̃.ʒə mɛʁ.sə.nɛ.ʁə]
𝄆 [tɛ.ʁa.sə.ʁe no fje gɛ.ʁje] 𝄇
[gʁɑ̃ djø paʁ de mɛ̃.z‿ɑ̃.ʃ(e).ne.ə]
[no fʁõ su lə ʒu sə plwa.ɛ.ʁe]
[də vil dɛs.pɔ.tə də.vjɑ̃.dʁe]
[le mɛ.tʁə də no dɛə]


[tʁɑ̃.ble ti.ʁɑ̃.z‿e vu pɛʁ.fi.də]
[lɔ.pʁɔ.bʁə də tu le paʁ.ti]
[tʁɑ̃.ble vo pʁɔ.ʒe pa.ʁə]
𝄆 [võ.t‿ɑ̃.fɛ̃ ʁə.sə.vwaʁ lœʁ pʁi] 𝄇
[tu.t‿ɛ sɔl.da puʁ vu kõ.ba.tʁə]
[sil tõ.bə no ʒœ.nə.z‿e.ʁo]
[la tɛ.ʁ‿ɑ̃ pʁɔ.dɥi də nu.vo]
[kõ.tʁə vu tu pʁɛ.z‿a sə ba.tʁə]


[fʁɑ̃.sɛ ɑ̃ gɛ.ʁje ma.ɲə]
[pɔʁ.te.z‿u ʁə.tə.ne vo ku]
[e.paʁ.ɲe se tʁis.tə vik.ti.mə]
𝄆 [a ʁə.gʁe saʁ.mɑ̃ kõ.tʁə nu] 𝄇
[ dɛs.pɔ.tə sɑ̃.gi.nɛ.ʁə]
[ kõ.pli.sə də]
[ ti.gʁə ki sɑ̃ pi.tje]
[de.ʃi.ʁə lə sɛ̃ də lœʁ mɛ.ʁə]


[a.muʁ sa.kʁe də la pa.tʁi.ə]
[kõ.dɥi su.tjɛ̃ no bʁa vɑ̃.ʒœʁ]
[li.bɛʁ.te li.bɛʁ.te ʃe.ʁi.ə]
𝄆 [kõ.ba.z‿a.vɛk te de.fɑ̃.sœʁ] 𝄇
[su no dʁa.po kə la vik.twa.ʁə]
[a.kuʁ a.te mɑ.lə.z‿ak.sɑ̃]
[vwa tõ tʁi.õ.f‿e nɔ.tʁə glwa.ʁə]


Couplet des enfants (1792)[]

Original IPA X-SAMPA

Nous entrerons dans la carrière
Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus,
Nous y trouverons leur poussière
𝄆 Et la trace de leurs vertus 𝄇
Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre
Que de partager leur cercueil,
Nous aurons le sublime orgueil
De les venger ou de les suivre.

[nu ɑ̃.tʁə.ʁɔ̃ dɑ̃ la ka.ʁjɛʁ]
[kɑ̃ no ɛ.ne ɛ.ni.ɡʁɛk sə.ʁɔ̃ ply]
[nu i.ɡʁɛk tʁu.vʁɔ̃ lœʁ pu.sjɛʁ]
𝄆 [e la tʁas də lœʁ vɛʁ.ty] 𝄇
[bjɛ̃ mwɛ̃ ʒ də lœʁ syʁ.vi.vʁə]
[kə də paʁ.ta.ʒe lœʁ sɛʁ.kœj]
[nu o.ʁɔ̃ lə sy.blim ɔʁ.ɡœj]
[də le vɑ̃.ʒe u də le sɥi.vʁə]

[nu Ã.tR@.RÕ dà la ka.RjER]
[kà noɡREk s@.RÕ ply]
[nu i.ɡREk tRu.vRÕ l&R pu.sjER]
𝄆 [e la tRas d@ l&R vER.ty] 𝄇
[bjẼ mwẼ d@ l&R]
[k@ d@ paR.ta.Ze l&R sER.k&j]
[nu o.RÕ l@ sy.blim OR.ɡ&j]
[d@ le vÃ.Ze u d@ le sHi.vR@]

Additional verses[]

These verses were omitted from the national anthem.

French English translation

Dieu de clémence et de justice
Vois nos tyrans, juge nos cœurs
Que ta bonté nous soit propice
𝄆 Défends-nous de ces oppresseurs 𝄇
Tu règnes au ciel et sur terre
Et devant Toi, tout doit fléchir
De ton bras, viens nous soutenir
Toi, grand Dieu, maître du tonnerre.


Peuple français, connais ta gloire;
Couronné par l'Égalité,
Quel triomphe, quelle victoire,
𝄆 D'avoir conquis la Liberté ! 𝄇
Le Dieu qui lance le tonnerre
Et qui commande aux éléments,
Pour exterminer les tyrans,
Se sert de ton bras sur la terre.


Nous avons de la tyrannie
Repoussé les derniers efforts;
De nos climats, elle est bannie;
𝄆 Chez les Français les rois sont morts. 𝄇
Vive à jamais la République !
Anathème à la royauté !
Que ce refrain, partout porté,
Brave des rois la politique.


La France que l'Europe admire
A reconquis la Liberté
Et chaque citoyen respire
𝄆 Sous les lois de l'Égalité; 𝄇
Un jour son image chérie
S'étendra sur tout l'univers.
Peuples, vous briserez vos fers
Et vous aurez une Patrie !


Foulant aux pieds les droits de l'Homme,
Les soldatesques légions
Des premiers habitants de Rome
𝄆 Asservirent les nations. 𝄇
Un projet plus grand et plus sage
Nous engage dans les combats
Et le Français n'arme son bras
Que pour détruire l'esclavage.


Oui ! Déjà d'insolents despotes
Et la bande des émigrés
Faisant la guerre aux Sans-culottes
𝄆 Par nos armes sont altérés; 𝄇
Vainement leur espoir se fonde
Sur le fanatisme irrité,
Le signe de la Liberté
Fera bientôt le tour du monde.


À vous ! Que la gloire environne,
Citoyens, illustres guerriers,
Craignez, dans les champs de Bellone,
𝄆 Craignez de flétrir vos lauriers ! 𝄇
Aux noirs soupçons inaccessibles
Envers vos chefs, vos généraux,
Ne quittez jamais vos drapeaux,
Et vous resterez invincibles.


Couplet des enfants :
Enfants, que l'Honneur, la Patrie
Fassent l'objet de tous nos vœux !
Ayons toujours l'âme nourrie
𝄆 Des feux qu'ils inspirent tous deux. 𝄇
Soyons unis ! Tout est possible;
Nos vils ennemis tomberont,
Alors les Français cesseront
De chanter ce refrain terrible:


God of mercy and justice
See our tyrants, judge our hearts
Thy goodness be with us
𝄆 Defend us from these oppressors 𝄇
Ye reign in heaven and on earth
And before thee all must bend
In thine arms, come support us
Thou, great God, lord of thunder.


French people know thy glory
Crowned by equality,
What a triumph, what a victory,
𝄆 To have won Liberty! 𝄇
The God who throws thunder
And who commands the elements,
To exterminate the tyrants
Uses thine arm on Earth.


Of tyranny, we have
Rebuffed its last efforts;
'Tis banished from our climes;
𝄆 'Mong the French, dead are the kings. 𝄇
The Republic may live forever!
Anathema to royalty!
May this refrain, sung everywhere,
Protect politics from kings.


France that Europe admires
Has regained liberty
And every citizen breathes
𝄆 Under the laws of equality, 𝄇
One day its beloved image
Will extend throughout the universe.
Peoples, you'll break your chains
And you'll have a fatherland!


Trampling on the rights of man,
the soldierly legions
of Rome's first inhabitants
𝄆 the nations enslaved. 𝄇
A larger project, and wiser,
Engages us in battle
And the Frenchman only arms himself
In order to destroy slavery.


Yes! Already insolent despots
And the band of emigrants
Waging war on the sans-culottes
𝄆 By our weapons are withered; 𝄇
Vainly their hope is based
On piqued fanaticism
The sign of liberty
Will soon spread around the world.


To you! Let glory surround
Citizens, illustrious warriors,
Fear in the fields of Bellona,
𝄆 Fear the sullying of your laurels! 𝄇
To dark unfounded suspicions
Towards your leaders, your generals,
Never leave your flags,
And you will remain invincible.


Children's verse:
Children, let honour and fatherland
be the object of all our wishes!
Let us always have souls nourished
𝄆 With fires that might inspire both. 𝄇
Let us be united! Anything is possible;
Our vile enemies will fall,
Then the French will cease
To sing this fierce refrain:


Other adoptions[]

Basque version[]

The Basque poet Joan Batista Arxu published a version in his 1848 collection Kantu patriotak.

Breton version[]

Halo bugale demeuz ar Vro
Devez ar gloar zo aruet
Enep demp euz ar goazkerezo
𝄆 An drapo goaduz zo savet 𝄇
Ha ne glevit-hu ket war ar maez
O vlejal zoudarded garo
A bete n'ho tiou vrec'h 'vougo
Ho kroage hag ho pugale gaez !

D'an armou, bourc'hizien,
Krouet ho pandenno,
Kerzomp eur goad
'hudur var hon irvi redo !
Petra c'hoata banden esklavet
Rouane faos gant treitourien ?
Ar pechou fall ze da biou int groet,
𝄆 Guir ernach a dorfedourien 𝄇
Demp ni, Fransijen, pebeus outrach !
Hag a zrouk gle ennomp monet !
Kuzulia reont c'hoas hon laket
Evel hon zud kos en esclavach ?
Petra ! lostigennou estranjour
A raî al lezen en hon zi !
Petra ! bandennou a dud treitour
𝄆 Roï lamm d'hon soudarded fier-ni 𝄇
Daoust ! ha dre zaouarn chadennet
Hon zal gant ar yeok, a blegfe
Viltansou goaskerien zeufe
Mestrou demp en amzer da zonet !
Krenet treitourien, tud mezus,
Ras-a-vez an holl gosteziou !
Krenet ! rag ho c'hoantou disprizus
𝄆 Zo vont da gavet ho frijo ! 𝄇
Holl oar zoudard vit o kombati
Ha pa guezo're galonnek,
Ar Frans a broduo gant aket,
Bugale all c'hoas 'vit o venji !
Fransijen, brezellerien nerzus
Douget pe kendelc'het ho taol !
Espernet an nep zo morc'hedus
𝄆 Dre geunz armet ouzoc'h-hu holl 𝄇
Mez ar waskerien a glask hon goad
An holl gensorted de Bouille
An tigred 'zeu hep karante
Da laza ho mamm a galon vad !
Er vicher-ze, ni a antreo
Pa ne vo ket hon re ena
Ar poultr aneize ni a gavo
𝄆 Gant merkou ho bresel vrasa 𝄇
Ha dic'hoantoc'h da choum o goude
Vit na vemp da vont en ho be
Ar brasa ourgouil hon renfe
Ve o venji pe mervel velte.
Demeuz hon bro karante guirion
Ren hon brec'h trec'hus, he zouten
Liberte, liberte gaez ha doun
𝄆 Kombat gant da zifennerienn 𝄇
Dindan guir drapoiou hon victoar
Diret gant da gomzou nerzus
Ra zello n dreitourien vezus
Da c'honidegez hag hon holl c'hloar

Catalan version[]

Few adoptions of "La Marseillaise" have been translated into the Catalan language by historical Catalan figures.

"La Marsellesa" was a benchmark for many sectors of Catalan society during the 19th and 20th centuries. The cry for freedom and any kind of oppression was valid for many political forces.

It is said that while the Cercle Català de Marseille had a Choral Section (now defunt), it always included this version of "La Marsellesa" in its program, along with "Els Segadors" and "Copa Santa". This was part of the Catalan republican anthems until Catalan Francophilia was lost when they realized the harm France was doing to the Catalan language and culture, among others.

"La Marsellesa" by Josep Anselm Clavé[]

In 1871, Josep Anselm Clavé, founder of the choral movement in Catalonia, translated "La Marseillaise" into Catalan.

A l'arma, a l'arma, fills del poble,
Lo jorn de glòria ja ha arribat !
Pels tirans alça xusma innoble
𝄆 Sos pendons enllotats en sang. 𝄇
Oïu, oïu, com fer udola
L'esbars famèlic d'eixos llops,
Lo poble apura el fel a glops,
i encès de ràbia i el cor tremola.

Tornarà 1:
A l'arma, ciutadans!
Alcem lo sometent!
Lo airat jovent
Banye ses mans
En sang de vils tirans!
Trossege coratjós
Lo poble
Son jou ignominiós!

Fills de la terra catalana,
Abans de morir que ser esclaus!
Sone ja l'alarmant campana!
𝄆 Muiren ja els opressors malvats! 𝄇
De nou a indigne vassallatge
Vol enjunyir-nos bando (sic) astut:
Malhage el poble si un minut
Suporta estúpid tal ultratge!

Tornarà 2:
A l'arma, ciutadans!
Alcem lo sometent!
Lo airat jovent
Banye ses mans
En sang de vils tirans!
A l'arma, a l'arma, fills del poble,
Lo jorn de glòria ja ha arribat!

Rompam la inèrcia que ens degrada!
Lo poble llibre és poble fort.
Llibertat, llibertat aimada,
𝄆 En ton foc s'han templat ja els cercs! 𝄇
Baix tos pendons, cantar victòria
Podrem al fi de greus fatics;
I a l'expirar tos enemics
Veuran ton triumfo i nostra glòria.

Tornarà 3:
A l'arma, ciutadans!
Alcem lo sometent!
Lo airat jovent
Banye ses mans
En sang de vils tirans!
Avant lo poble denudat!
Lluitem per nostra llibertat!
Avant lo poble!
Lo jorn de glòria ja ha arribat!

"La Marsellesa" by Ignasi Iglésias i Pujadas[]

Ignasi Iglésias i Pujadas created another version of "La Marsellesa" in the beginning of the 20th century.

Tots a les armes fills del poble
el jorn de glòria és arribat,
amb nostra causa justa i noble
𝄆 triomfarà la llibertat, 𝄇
avant, avant, plens de coratge
lluitem a mort amb l'opressor,
vessant la sang sense dolor
que estem cansats de l'esclavatge.

Armem-nos catalans,
el sometent,
ardidament petits i grans
lluitem contra els tirans!

Fills de la terra catalana
primer morir que viure esclaus,
per l'ideal que ens agermana
𝄆 com més turments siguem més braus 𝄇
malhaja el poble que ses penes
suporta humil i resignat,
malhaja el poble esclavitzat
que no fa a trossos ses cadenes!


Wallon version[]

The French national anthem has been the basis of a couple patriotic songs written in the Walloon language as part of the Walloon Movement.

"Li Marsèyêse dès Walons"[]

"Li Marseyesse e walon"[]

English version[]

An English lyrical version was created in 2016 by a user named "sandring".[13]

Let’s go, children of the Motherland
The day of glory has arrived!
All the tyranny are against us
Their blood-stained banners arise
Their blood-spattered banners arise
Can you hear now out in the country
Their blood-thirsty soldiers ablare?
They’re coming right into your hands
To cut throats to sons of yours, your women!

To arms, compatriots
Form up your battle corps
March on, march on!
Let blood impure
Onto our furrows pour!
What do they want, this horde of slaves
Of traitors and king conjurors?
For who are these ignoble vile chain
And balls have long been prepared?
Balls and chain have long been prepared
French people, ah, for us! A disgrace!
What outburst it must then arouse!
It’s us they dare to conspire
To drag back to stagnant slavery old days!
How can it be that foreign cohorts
Would be the law in our lands!
How come that mercenary soldiers
Would shoot at our rebellious lads!
Would shoot at our rebellious lads!
Great God of Mine! With those chained hands
We’d yield ourselves to the yoke
Vile despots would have us provoked
To make them the rulers of our fortune!
Shake over, tyrants and you, traitors-
Disgrace to all parts of the earth.
Fear, your vile schemes parricidal
Will at last get what they’re worth! (bis)
All here are for a great combat
If our young heroes die
Our land will give us other ones
Ready to put up a fight against you!
French people in majestic battle force,
Stand up to and then return the blows!
Spare all those victimized soldiers
Who regret fighting against us (bis)
But spare none of bloody despots
No pity on Bouillé’s satraps
Those tigers without any qualm
Would rip open their mother’s bosom!
The sacred love to our Motherland,
Lead and support our avenging arms
Liberty, Liberty, our Dear
Come on fight by your defenders’ side! (bis)
Under our flags and victory
Will haste to our courageous men
And dying foes will have to face
All your triumph and all of our glory!
We all will start this same career
When our elders pass away
And we’ll find their ashes in here
And the virtues left over after them (bis)
We care less just to survive them
Than next to them in coffins lie
We’d take the greatest sublime pride
In avenging them and them to follow
May, children, Honour and your Homeland
Forever be your final goal!
Let us always have the souls filled
With the fire that well inspires both (bis)
Let’s all unite! Possible is all
Every vile foe will cease to be
And then the French will cease to sing
This refrain of terrifying awe:

Esperanto version[]

A three-stanza Esperanto version was created by Jacques Manceau, a member of the Universal Esperanto Association, sometime in the 20th century.[14]

"La Marseljezo" by Jacques Manceau[]

O vi de patruj' la infa-(a)noj
Por la glor' alvenis la tag'!
Malamike de la tiranoj
𝄆 Flirtas kontraŭ ni tiu flag'! 𝄇
Aŭdu nun sur niaj kamparoj
Muĝas la kruela soldat'
Li celas nun al morta bat'
Por la filoj kaj niaj patroj!

Alarm, civitanar'! formiĝu regiment'!
Tuj sen atend'
Ni marŝu al patruja la defend'!

Sed kion celas tiuj skla-(a)voj
Ĉu por ni estas la katen'?
Ni tuj iru al niaj glavoj
𝄆 Estu for de ni tiu ĉen'! 𝄇
O Francoj estas ja insulto
Kredi nin submeti sen pen'!
Naskiĝu de ĝi l'abomen'
Kiu venkos por liber-kulto!


O Francoj militistoj no-(o)blaj
Vi frapu al la perfidul'
Viaj batoj estu duoblaj
𝄆 Kaj vi frapos eĉ sen makul'! 𝄇
Sed malfeliĉa la viktimo
Kontraŭ ni armita sen vol'
Ni gardu de ni la kontrol'
Murdi ĝin ja estus nur krimo!


German version[]

Anthem of the Republic of Mainz by Friedrich Lehne[]

The poet Friedrich Lehne created a version in German, titled "Das Lied freier Landsleute" ("The song of free compatriots"; La chanson des compatriotes libres), to serve as an anthem for the Republic of Mainz in 1793.[15]

Wohlan! es geht! es ist gegangen!
Uns segnet Gottes Vater-Blick;
Laßt Sklaven vor Despoten bangen!
Die feige Brut verdient kein Glück.
Laßt uns der Freiheit würdig werden!
Sie ist des Menschen bestes Gut,
Und Fließt für sie auch all’ sein Blut –
Genießt sein Sohn doch Glück auf Erden.
Wohlan! die Wahl ist leicht!
Nur Freiheit oder Tod!
Weh’ dem! Fluch dem!
Der je es wagt und unsrer Freiheit droht!

Wir pflügten willig unsre Äcker,
Viel träge Prasser nährten wir;
Doch seht! sie wurden immer kecker,
Erniedrigt waren wir zum Tier.
Geblendet von dem schnöden Glanze
Den ihnen unser Fleiß verschafft,
War stolz und stark durch unsre Kraft
Manch fetter Pfaff, manch geiler
Wohlan! die Wahl ist leicht! Usw.

Wann künftig unsre Saaten blühen
Dann ernten wir, nur wir, sie ein;
So werden dann auch unsere Mühen
Belohnt durch Gottes gaben sein.
Kein Fürstenknecht darf uns mehr kränken,
Nur dem Gesetz gehorchen wir,
Und dieses macht uns nicht zum Tier,
Es sichert uns vor bösen Ränken.
Wohlan! die Wahl ist leicht! usw.

Wir selbst, wir machen die Gesetze,
Denn wer weiß besser, was uns nützt
Dadurch behalten wir die Schätze,
Die dann kein Schwelger mehr besitzt.
Wir wählen uns gerechte Richter,
Die keines Schurken Gold besticht;
Vertrauen wecket ihr Gesicht
Schröckt nie wie jene Amts-Gesichter.
Wohlan! die Wahl ist leicht! usw.

Seht diesen Baum, all’ ihr Despoten!
Wir pflanzten unsern Rechten ihn;
Und in des Vaterlandes Boden
Soller noch unsem Enkeln blüh’n.
Wir wollen ihn mit Mut beschützen,
Bis die Gerechtigkeit gesiegt;
In seinem Schatten dann vergnügt
Am Abend unseres Lebens sitzen.
Wohlan! die Wahl ist leicht! usw.

O Gott! Beschützer alles Guten!
Schenk’ unsrer Freiheit deinen Schild!
Wir wollen gerne für sie bluten,
Wenn es dein Richter-Wink befiehlt.
Gib unsren Werken deinen Segen!
Denn der nur gründet unser Glück;
Wir fordern dein Geschenk zurück;
Komm’ unsrem Mut mit Kraft entgegen!
Wohlan! wir schwören dir!
Nur Freiheit oder Tod!
Weh’ dem! Fluch dem!
Der je es wagt und unsrer Freiheit droht.

Russian version[]

"Рабочая Марсельеза" by Peter Lavrov[]

In Russia, "La Marseillaise" was used as a republicanist revolutionary anthem by Russian Francophones in the 18th century. In 1875, narodist and theorist Peter Lavrov wrote an original Russian text (not translated from the French lyrics) to the same melody, known as the "Worker's Marseillaise", which became very popular in Russia and was used in the Revolution of 1905.

After the February Revolution, it was used as the semi-official national anthem of the Russian republic, and after the October Revolution, it was co-official with The Internationale.[16]

Chinese version[]

𝄆 举起染满鲜血的旗! 𝄇


𝄆 究竟准备给谁戴? 𝄇


𝄆 竟被雇佣兵殴打! 𝄇


𝄆 终究要得到报应! 𝄇


𝄆 他们后悔打我们。 𝄇


𝄆 你的保卫者同战斗。 𝄇


𝄆 他们的英雄气概。 𝄇



  1. Dictionnaire Universelle de la Franc-Maçonnerie page 601 - Jode and Cara (Larousse - 2011)
  2. [ La Marseillaise (2012-05-15). National Assembly of France.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870–1914 (1 June 1976). Weber, Eugen. Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-1013-8, pp. 439.
  4. Story of La Marseillaise (January 1896). Stevens, Benjamin F. Oliver Ditson Company. The Musical Record. Boston, Massachusetts. Issue 408, pp. 2.
  5. Plaque Frédéric De Dietrich. Archi-Wiki.
  6. Frederic de Dietrich, premier maire de Strasbourg (1857). Spach, Louis. Strasbourgh, Vve. Berger-Levrault & fils.
  7. General François Mireur
  8. The Routledge Dictionary of Cultural References in Modern French (2011). Mould, Michael. Taylor & Francis. New York. ISBN 978-1-136-82573-6, pp. 147.
  9. 9.0 9.1 La Marseillaise (1997). Halsall, Paul. Internet History Sourcebooks Project
  10. Wochenblatt, dem Unterricht des Landvolks gewidmet, Colmar 1792 [1].
  11. (archived) La Marseillaise. l'Elysée.
  12. [
  13. French National Anthem La Marseillaise (2016-06-22). sandring via LyricsTranslate.
  14. Franca Esperantisto, 1939, p. 99
  15. Hans-Werner Engels, (Hrsg.), Gedichte und Lieder deutscher Jakobiner (=Revolutionäre deutsche Demokraten, Bd. I), Stuttgart 1971.
  16. (archived) Соболева, Н.А. 2005. Из истории отечественных государственных гимнов. Журнал "Отечественная история", 1. P.10-12