The Königgrätzer Marsch is one of the most famous German military marches, composed in 1866 by Johann Gottfried Piefke in commemoration of the Battle of Königgrätz during of the Austro-Prussian War, in which the Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire. In Piefke's most successful arrangement of the Königgrätzer Marsch, "Der Hohenfriedberger" is used as a trio.
The commonly played version is set as an infantry march, while an alternate adaptation is arranged as a cavalry galop.
Königgrätzer Marsch
In popular culture[]
- The "Königgrätzer Marsch" is heard at the beginning of the massive revue parade in Leni Riefenstahl's Nuremberg Rally propaganda film Triumph of the Will when Viktor Lutze leads SA honor guards in their march past.
- In the mod versions of Day of Defeat, the "Königgrätzer Marsch" played if the Wehrmacht faction won.
- In the multiplayer mode of Call of Duty: World at War, if the Wehrmacht faction wins the "Königgrätzer Marsch" plays. Also, in the final mission of the game's campaign mode, the song can be heard within and outside of the Reichstag while fighting a SS unit. It can also be heard in the minigame Nazi Zombies on the map Nacht Der Untoten.
- The march was featured in the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when Jones infiltrates a Nazi book-burning ceremony. This was meant to be a reference to Triumph of the Will; scenes with Leni Riefenstahlherself (played by Suzanne Roquette) filming the rally were shot but deleted from the final cut.
See also[]
- Prussia's Glory (also by Piefke)
- Badonviller Marsch
- Der Hohenfriedberger
- Yorckscher Marsch
- Alte Kameraden
- Pariser Einzugsmarsch
- Radetzky March