
The National Anthem of Chile, also known by its incipit as "How Pure, Chile, is Thy Blue Sky", was officially adopted in 1828. About two decades earlier, the government of Chile demanded that there be an anthem for the country.[1][2][3][4][5]


After Chile won its independence from Spain, the Chilean government demanded that there be a national anthem with lyrics and music. first version of "Canción Nacional" was written by Eusebio Lillo in 1819, then Ramón Carnicer composed the music a year later. While Carnicer was exiled in England, he composed the second (and current) version until he returned to Barcelona, Spain in 1827. A year later, Carnicer's new anthem premiered in Santiago, Chile. Then in 1847, Eusebio Lillo wrote the new lyrics, which was then revised in 1909.[6]



National Anthem of Chile - "Himno Nacional de Chile"

Spanish original[]

Latin script Cyrillic script IPA transcription

Puro, Chile, es tu cielo azulado.
Puras brisas te cruzan también.
Y tu campo de flores bordado
Es la copia feliz del Edén.
Majestuosa es la blanca montaña
𝄆 Que te dio por baluarte el Señor, 𝄇
𝄆 Y ese mar que tranquilo te baña
Te promete un futuro esplendor. 𝄇

Dulce Patria, recibe los votos
Con que Chile en tus aras juró:
𝄆 Que o la tumba serás de los libres
O el asilo contra la opresión 𝄇
Que o la tumba serás de los libres
O el asilo contra la opresión
𝄆 O el asilo contra la opresión. 𝄇[6][7][8]

Пуро, Чиле, эс ту циело ацуладо.
Пурас брисас те круцан тамбиен.
И ту кампо де флорес бордадо
Эс ла копия фелиц дел Эден.
Махестуоса эс ла бланка монтаня
𝄆 Ке те дио пор балуарте эл Сенёр, 𝄇
𝄆 И эсе мар ке транкило те баня
Те промете ун футуро эсплендор. 𝄇

Дулце Патрия, рецибе лос вотос
Кон ке Чиле эн тус арас хуро:
𝄆 Ке о ла тумба серас де лос либрес
О эл асило контра ла опресион 𝄇
Ке о ла тумба серас де лос либрес
О эл асило контра ла опресион
𝄆 О эл асило контра ла опресион. 𝄇

[ˈpu.ɾo̞ ˈt͡ʃi.le̞‿e̞s t̪u ˈsje̞.lo̞‿a̠.su.ˈla̠.ð̞o̞ ǁ]
[ˈpu.ɾa̠z ˈβ̞ɾ̠s t̪e̞ ˈkɾu.sã̠n t̪ã̠m.ˈbjẽ̞n ‖]
[i t̪u ˈkã̠m.po̞ ð̞e̞ ˈflo̞.ɾe̞z β̞o̞ɾ.ˈð̞a̠.ð̞o̞]
[e̞z la̠ ˈko̞.pja̠ fe̞.ˈliz ð̞e̞l e̞.ˈð̞ẽ̞n ‖]
[ma̠.xe̞s.ˈt̪wo̞.sa̠‿e̞s la̠ ˈβ̞lã̠ŋ.ka̠ mõ̞n.ˈt̪ã̠.ɲa̠]
𝄆 [ke̞ t̪e̞ ˈð̞jo̞ po̞ɾ β̞a̠.ˈlwa̠ɾ.t̪e̞‿e̞l sẽ̞.ˈɲo̞ɾ ǀ] 𝄇
𝄆 [ˈi(‿)e̞.se̞ ma̠ɾ t̪ɾã̠ŋ.ˈki.lo̞ t̪e̞ ˈβ̞ã̠.ɲa̠]
[t̪e̞ pɾo̞.ˈme̞.t̪e̞ fu.ˈt̪u.ɾo̞‿e̞s.plẽ̞n.ˈd̪o̞ɾ ǁ] 𝄇

[ˈd̪̞ ˈpa̠.t̪ɾja̠ re̞.ˈsi.β̞e̞ lo̞z ˈβ̞o̞.t̪o̞s]
[kõ̞ŋ ke̞ ˈt͡ʃi.le̞‿ẽ̞n t̪us ˈa̠.ɾa̠s xu.ˈɾo̞ ǀ]
𝄆 [ke̞‿o̞ la̠ ˈt̪ũ̠ se̞.ˈɾa̠z ð̞e̞ lo̞s ˈliβ̞.ɾe̞s]
[o‿e̞l a̠.ˈsi.lo̞ ˈkõ̞n.t̪ɾa̠ la̠ o̞.pɾe̞.ˈsjõ̞n ǁ] 𝄇
[ke̞‿o̞ la̠ ˈt̪ũ̠ se̞.ˈɾa̠z ð̞e̞ lo̞s ˈliβ̞.ɾe̞s]
[o‿e̞l a̠.ˈsi.lo̞ ˈkõ̞n.t̪ɾa̠ la̠ o̞.pɾe̞.ˈsjõ̞n]
𝄆 [o‿e̞l a̠.ˈsi.lo̞ ˈkõ̞n.t̪ɾa̠ la̠ o̞.pɾe̞.ˈsjõ̞n ǁ] 𝄇

English translation[]

How pure, Chile, is thy blue sky
And how pure the breezes that blow across thee
And thy countryside embroidered with flowers
Is a wonderful copy of Eden
How majestic are the snow-covered mountains
That were given to thee by God as protection
That were given to thee by God as protection
And the sea that tranquilly bathes thy shores
Promises a splendor future for thee
And the sea that tranquilly bathes thy shores
Promises a splendor future for thee.

Beloved Homeland, receive thy vows
That Chile gave thee on thy altars
That thou art either the tomb of the free
Or a refuge from oppression
That thou art either the tomb of the free
Or a refuge from oppression
That thou art either the tomb of the free
Or a refuge from oppression
Or a refuge from oppression
Or a refuge from oppression.


  1. Canción Nacional de Chile: Edición crítica de la letra (1960). Canales Toro, Clemente. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Andrés Bello.
  2. «Capítulo segundo: La Canción Nacional» (1964). Silva Castro, Raúl. Eusebio Lillo, 1826-1910. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Andrés Bello. pp. 28-46.
  3. Chubrétovich A., Carlos (1991). Canción Nacional de Chile (1.ª edición). Santiago, Chile: Editorial La Noria. pp. 26-54.
  4. «Decreto 6476: Establece texto oficial de la letra y música de la Canción Nacional de Chile» (1980). Ministerio de Educación. Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.
  5. «Decreto 260: Establece estrofas del Himno Nacional, en actos o ceremonias» (1990). Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Chile (1819-1847) –
  7. El primer Himno Nacional de Chile – Icarito
  8. Himno Nacional. Gobierno de Chile.