
The "Anthem of the Basque Race" is the de facto regional anthem of Basque Country in northern Spain, and the ethnic anthem of the Basque people. It is based on an old Basque tune. Written by Basque nationalist writer Sabino Arana, it was originally used for the Basque Nationalist Party, then it was adopted by the first Basque government in the 1930s.[1][2] Its re-proclamation by the Basque Parliament on 14 April 1983 was opposed by several parties that deemed it still to be bound to the PNV rather than to the rest of the Basques.

Like "Marcha Real", there are no official lyrics.



"Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia" - National Anthem of Basque Country -Spain-

Basque original Spanish translated version French translated version English translated version

Gora ta Gora Euskadi
aintza ta aintza
bere goiko Jaun Onari.

Areitz bat Bizkaian da
zar, sendo, zindo
bera ta bere lagia lakua

Areitz gainean dogu
gurutza deuna
beti geure goi buru

Abestu gora Euskadi
aintza ta aintza
bere goiko Jaun Onari[2]

Arriba y arriba Euskadi
gloria y gloria
a nuestro Buen Señor.

Hay un roble en Vizcaya,
viejo, fuerte y sano,
como él mismo y su ley.

Sobre el roble tenemos,
la sagrada cruz,
en lo más alto siempre

Cantemos arriba Euskadi
Gloria y Gloria
A nuestro Buen Señor.[2]

Vive et vive le Pays basque
gloire et gloire
à son bon seigneur d'en haut.

Il y a un chêne en Biscaye
vieux, fort et sacré
comme lui-même et sa loi.

Reposant sur le chêne
la croix sacrée
toujours au-dessus de nous.

Chante « Vive le Pays Basque »
gloire et gloire
à son bon seigneur d'en haut.

Higher and higher Basque Country!
You're full of glory.
With you, with our lord honoured.

An oak tree in Biscay rests,
Firm and fresh it stands,
Just like your law it echoes.

We find on the tree
Your cross holy
Which always sits above us.

Sing and rise up, Basque Country!
You're full of glory.
With you, with our lord honoured.

