
Latvia (Latvija), officially the Republic of Latvia, is a country in the Baltics, in Northeastern Europe. It was settled by the Baltic tribes thousands of years ago. At the end of the 12th century, German traders and crusaders came to Latvia. Over the next 800 years, Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles, and Russians all invaded Latvia. Latvia finally became independent in 1918.

Between the 13th and 15th centuries, there was the Teutonic Orderstate occupied Latvian territory. Before World War I, the aristocracy were mainly German. During the Great Northern war in the early 1700s, modern-day Latvia became the part of the Russian Empire. There were organized Courland and Livonia. Latvian workers took part in the revolutionary struggle in 1905. In 1940, Latvia became part of the Soviet Union, then it was under Nazi occupation during World War II between 1941 and 1944. In 1991 the USSR collapsed and Latvia became a fully independent country.

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