"Asturias, Beloved Homeland" is the regional anthem of the Principality of Asturias, an autonomous community in northwestern Spain. The lyrics were written by Ignacio Piñeiro in dedication to his father. Recently, it has been discovered that the lyrics were written in Cuba.[1] It was officially adopted in 27 April 1984. There are versions in Spanish and Austurian. The song is also popular in Poland.[2]
Spanish version
Asturian version
English translation
Asturias, patria querida,
Asturias de mis amores;
¡quién estuviera en Asturias
en todas las ocasiones!
Tengo de subir al árbol,
tengo de coger la flor,
y dársela a mi morena
que la ponga en el balcón,
Que la ponga en el balcón,
que la deje de poner,
tengo de subir al árbol
y la flor he de coger.[3]
Asturies, patria querida,
Asturies de mios amores;
¡Ai!, ¡quién tuviera n'Asturies
en toes les ocasiones!
Tengo de subir al árbol,
tengo de coyer la flor,
y dá-yla a la mió morena
que la ponga nel balcón,
Que la ponga nel balcón,
que la dexe de poner,
tengo de subir al árbol
y la flor tengo coyer.[3]
Asturias, homeland beloved,
Asturias of my affections
Ah! he who was in Asturias
During all the occasions.
I have to climb the tree
I have to pick the flower
and give it to my brunette
so she may put it in her balcony.
May she put it in her balcony
May she put it not
I have to climb the tree
and the flower I have to pick.