
"14 minutes till start", also known as "I Believe, My Friends", is a Soviet Russian mass song written by Vladimir Voinovich[1] and composed by Oscar Feltsman in 1960.[2] It was created on behalf of the Soviet government since they wanted a song to commemorate the Vostok 1 mission that would launched the following year. It was meant as an unofficial anthem for the Soviet space program (Космическая программа СССР) of the Space Race. It has been printed many times in the newspaper Pravda, and during the Vostok-3 mission, the song was sung in space by the cosmonauts Andriyan Nikolayev and Pavel Popovich.[3][4]



Владимир Трошин "14 минут до старта" (1967)

Russian original[]

Cyrillic script Latin script

Заправлены в планшеты космические карты,
И штурман уточняет в последний раз маршрут.
Давайте-ка, ребята, споёмте/закурим перед стартом,
У нас ещё в запасе четырнадцать минут.

Я верю, друзья, караваны ракет
Помчат нас вперёд от звезды до звезды.
𝄆 На пыльных тропинках далёких планет
Останутся наши следы. 𝄇

Когда-нибудь с годами припомним мы с друзьями,
Как по дорогам звёздным вели мы первый путь / прокладывали путь,
Как первыми сумели достичь заветной цели
И на родную Землю со стороны взглянуть.


Давно нас ожидают далёкие планеты,
Холодные планеты, безмолвные поля.
Но ни одна планета не ждёт нас так, как эта,
Планета дорогая/голубая по имени Земля.


Zapravleny v planšety kosmičeskije karty,
I šturman utočnjajet v poslednij raz maršrut.
Davajte-ka, rebjata, spojomte/zakurim pered startom,
U nas ješčjo v zapase četyrnadcatj minut.

Ja verju, druzjja, karavany raket
Pomčat nas vperjod ot zvezdy do zvezdy.
𝄆 Na pyljnyh tropinkah daljokih planet
Ostanutsja naši sledy. 𝄇

Kogda-nibudj s godami pripomnim my s druzjjami,
Kak po dorogam zvjozdnym veli my pervyj putj / prokladyvali putj,
Kak pervymi sumeli dostičj zavetnoj celi
I na rodnuju zemlju so storony vzgljanutj.


Davno nas ožidajut daljokije planety,
Holodnyje planeti, bezmolvnyje polja.
No ni odna planeta ne ždjot nas tak, kak eta,
Planeta dorogaja/golubaja po imeni zemlja.


English translation[]

Tucked into the tablets are the space maps
And the navigator checks the route one last time.
Let us, guys, sing/smoke before our launch:
There's still fourteen minutes left til launch.
I believe, my friends, caravans of rockets
Will head us forward from star to star.
𝄆 On dusty paths of the planets from afar
Our footprints shall be left as our marks. 𝄇
After many years we'll remember with friends,
How on the stellar roads we were the first to venture / to pave the way,
How we were the first to reach the cherished goal
And from the greater distance, look at Mother Earth.

Long have the distant planets awaited us,
The chilly worlds, and the silent fields.
But not one planet is awaiting us
As this precious/blue planet named Earth.


